CONTENTS OF THIS FILE --------------------- * Introduction * Requirements * Installation * Configuration * Maintainers INTRODUCTION ------------ The Better Exposed Filters module replaces the Views' default single- or multi-select boxes with more advanced options such as radio buttons, checkboxes, toggle links or jQueryUI widgets. Views Filters are a powerful tool to limit the results of a given view. When you expose a filter, you allow the user to interact with the view making it easy to build a customized advanced search. For example, exposing a taxonomy filter lets your site visitor search for articles with specific tags. Better Exposed Filters gives you greater control over the rendering of exposed filters. For a full description of the module, visit the project page: Documentation: To submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or to track changes: REQUIREMENTS ------------ This module requires jquery_ui, jquery_ui_slider, jquery_ui_touch_punch, jquery_ui_datepicker and drupal core views. INSTALLATION ------------ Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. Visit for further information. CONFIGURATION ------------- See the documentation on MAINTAINERS ----------- * Mike Keran - * Martin Keereman - * Neslee Canil Pinto -