-- SUMMARY -- The "Paragraphs Editor Enhancements" adds some styling to the modal dialog used by Paragraphs [1] and to "Add In Between" provided by Paragraphs Features [2]. The module allows you to group Paragraph types in the modal dialog using categories and uses the images you can add to each Paragraph type for better recognizability. -- REQUIREMENTS -- * Paragraphs [1] * Paragraphs Features [2] -- INSTALLATION -- Install as usual, see the documentation page about installing modules [3] for further information. To make use of the re-styled dialog, configure your Paragraphs widget to use the modal dialog for adding paragraphs to your content ("Add mode" -> "Modal form"). Enable add in between buttons to see a better editor experience in the widget. -- IMAGE CREDITS -- * paragraphs-logo.png by Nico Grienauer (Grienauer) [4] * all other icons by Dennis Steinberg (bitingDuke) [5] -- CONTACT -- Current maintainers: * Stefan Borchert (stborchert) - http://drupal.org/user/36942 This project has been sponsored by: * undpaul Drupal experts providing professional Drupal development services. Visit https://www.undpaul.de for more information. [1] https://www.drupal.org/project/paragraphs [2] https://www.drupal.org/project/paragraphs_features [3] https://www.drupal.org/documentation/install/modules-themes/modules-8 [4] https://www.drupal.org/u/grienauer [5] https://www.drupal.org/u/bitingduke