{# /** * @file * Default theme implementation for a webform section element and its children. * * Available variables: * - attributes: HTML attributes for the
element. * - title: The title/header of the section header. * - title_attributes: HTML attributes to apply to the title/header element. * - description: The description element containing the following properties: * - content: The description content of the
. * - attributes: HTML attributes to apply to the description container. * - children: The rendered child elements of the
. * - prefix: The content to add before the .section-wrapper children. * - suffix: The content to add after the .section-wrapper children. * * Copied from: fieldset.html.twig * * @see template_preprocess_webform_card() * * @ingroup themeable */ #} {% set classes = [ 'js-form-wrapper', 'form-wrapper', 'webform-card', ] %} {% set title_classes = [ 'webform-card-title', ] %} {% if title and title_display != 'none' %} <{{ title_tag }}{{ title_attributes.addClass(title_classes) }}>{{ title }} {% endif %}
{% if description.content %} {{ description.content }}
{% endif %} {% if prefix %} {{ prefix }} {% endif %} {{ children }} {% if suffix %} {{ suffix }} {% endif %}