{# /** * @file * Theme override for status report general info. * * Available variables: * - drupal: The status of Drupal installation: * - value: The current status of Drupal installation. * - description: The description for current status of Drupal installation. * - cron: The status of cron: * - value: The current status of cron. * - description: The description for current status of cron. * - cron.run_cron: An array to render a button for running cron. * - database_system: The status of database system: * - value: The current status of database system. * - description: The description for current status of cron. * - database_system_version: The info about current database version: * - value: The current version of database. * - description: The description for current version of database. * - php: The current version of PHP: * - value: The status of currently installed PHP version. * - description: The description for current installed PHP version. * - php_memory_limit: The info about current PHP memory limit: * - value: The status of currently set PHP memory limit. * - description: The description for currently set PHP memory limit. * - webserver: The info about currently installed web server: * - value: The status of currently installed web server. * - description: The description for the status of currently installed web * server. */ #}

{{ 'General System Information'|t }}

{{ 'Drupal Version'|t }}

{{ drupal.value }} {% if drupal.description %}
{{ drupal.description }}
{% endif %}

{{ 'Web Server'|t }}

{{ webserver.value }} {% if webserver.description %}
{{ webserver.description }}
{% endif %}

{{ 'Last Cron Run'|t }}

{{ cron.value }} {% if cron.run_cron %}
{{ cron.run_cron }}
{% endif %} {% if cron.description %}
{{ cron.description }}
{% endif %}

{{ 'PHP'|t }}

{{ 'Version'|t }}

{{ php.value }} {% if php.description %}
{{ php.description }}
{% endif %}

{{ 'Memory limit'|t }}

{{ php_memory_limit.value }} {% if php_memory_limit.description %}
{{ php_memory_limit.description }}
{% endif %}

{{ 'Database'|t }}

{{ 'Version'|t }}

{{ database_system_version.value }} {% if database_system_version.description %}
{{ database_system_version.description }}
{% endif %}

{{ 'System'|t }}

{{ database_system.value }} {% if database_system.description %}
{{ database_system.description }}
{% endif %}