{# /** * @file * Theme override for exposed filter form. * * Available variables: * - form_description: The exposed filter's description. * - expose_button: The button to toggle the expose filter form. * - group_button: Toggle options between single and grouped filters. * - required: A checkbox to require this filter or not. * - label: A filter label input field. * - description: A filter description field. * - operator: The operators for how the filters value should be treated. * - #type: The operator type. * - value: The filters available values. * - use_operator: Checkbox to allow the user to expose the operator. * - more: A details element for additional field exposed filter fields. * * @ingroup themeable */ #} {{ form.form_description }} {{ form.expose_button }} {{ form.required }} {{ form.group_button }} {{ form.label }} {{ form.description }} {{ form.operator }} {{ form.value }} {% if form.use_operator %}
{{ form.use_operator }} {{ form.operator_limit_selection }} {{ form.operator_list }} {{ form.operator_id }}
{% endif %} {# Collect a list of elements printed to exclude when printing the remaining elements. #} {% set remaining_form = form|without( 'form_description', 'expose_button', 'group_button', 'required', 'label', 'description', 'operator', 'value', 'use_operator', 'more', 'admin_label', 'operator_limit_selection', 'operator_list', 'operator_id' ) %} {# Only output the right column markup if there's a left column to begin with. #} {% if form.operator['#type'] %}
{{ remaining_form }}
{% else %} {{ remaining_form }} {% endif %} {% if form.use_operator %}
{% endif %} {{ form.admin_label }} {{ form.more }}