CONTENTS OF THIS FILE --------------------- * Introduction * Installation * Usage * Credits INTRODUCTION 8.2.x version ------------ This module allows for the integration of fontIconPicker with the Font Awesome module. fontIconPicker is a jQuery library intended to allow for easy search and selection of icons. This module provides a widget to utilize this libary alongside the Font Awesome module in lieu of the default "Search and select" widget provided with Font Awesome. INSTALLATION ------------ 1. Using Drush ( $ drush en fontawesome_iconpicker_widget Upon enabling, this will also attempt to download and install the library in `/libraries/fontawesome`. If, for whatever reason, this process fails, you can re-run the library install manually by first clearing Drush caches: $ drush cc drush and then using another drush command:- (Drush 8) $ drush fa-download-iconpicker (Drush 9) $ drush fa:download-iconpicker 2. Manually a. Install the "fontIconPicker" library following one of these 2 options: - run "drush fa-iconpicker-download" (recommended, it will download the correct package and extract it at the right place for you.) - manual install: Download & extract "fontIconPicker" ( and place in the "/libraries" directory at "/libraries/fonticonpicker--fonticonpicker". The JS file should be located at /libraries/fonticonpicker--fonticonpicker/dist/js/ Direct link for downloading latest version (current is v3.1.1) is: b. Enable the module at Administer >> Site building >> Modules. 3. Composer a. Install the "fontIconPicker" using composer: - The easiest way to install the library with composer is if your project has "npm-asset" (see: repository configured, you can require "npm-asset/fonticonpicker--fonticonpicker". You can use oomphinc/composer-installers-extender to ensure the library is installed in libraries/. b. Enable the module with Drush or Administer >> Site building >> Modules. USAGE _____ Simply select "Font Awesome Iconpicker Widget" as your widget of choice for any Font Awesome Icon field under "Manage form display". TROUBLESHOOTING --------------- If the Font Awesome Iconpicker module is installed but the fontIconPicker selector is not showing, try the following: 1. Flush the Drupal cache 2. Check the status report for issues on the library being loaded. CREDITS ------- * Scott Sawyer * Daniel Moberly