CONTENTS OF THIS FILE --------------------- * Introduction * Requirements * Installation * Troubleshooting * FAQ * Maintainers INTRODUCTION ------------ This module, used on top of CKEditor allows the use of responsive area within rich editing textarea. Instead of tables, the plugins insert divs with standard responsive css lasses. * For a full description of the module, visit the project sandbox page: * To submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or to track changes: REQUIREMENTS ------------ This module requires the following module: * CKEditor (Enabled in Drupal 8) INSTALLATION ------------ This module requires CKEditor module to be installed Copy the module folder to your module directory, enable it on the admin module page. Enable the module, and follow the line to your CKEditor profile for which you want to enable the plugin. ie : /admin/config/content/formats/manage/full_html 1. Drag the button on your toolbar (the button is the one showed in docs/button.jpg 3. The text format you are using should allow div to be used within the textarea. (If you are using the "Limit allowed HTML tags" you should add "
) in the allowed HTML tags list. 4. The added css classes are "*col" (onecol, twocol...) and grid-* (grid-1 grid-2...) Make sure theses classes are working with your theme. If they don't, have a look to the js/plugins/responsivearea/responsivearea.css file to copy the appropriates classes. TROUBLESHOOTING --------------- * If the button does not display on the toolbar, check the following: - Is the button is present on CKEditor visual toolbar configuration ? - Did "
is present in the allowed HTML tags list ? MAINTAINERS ----------- Current maintainers: * Kevin Gautreau (kgaut) -