CONTENTS OF THIS FILE --------------------- * Introduction * Requirements * Installation * Configuration INTRODUCTION ------------ The Permission Spreadsheet module provides features to import/export user permission via: * Excel (*.xlsx, *.xls) * OpenDocument Spreadsheet (*.ods) * Comma separated values (*.csv) * Tab separated values (*.tsv) This module is useful on following cases: * Site has many roles, so difficult to edit permissions on admin page. * Copy permissions among the roles. REQUIREMENTS ------------ This module requires the following: * PHP 7.0 or greater * Drupal core 8.8.0 or greater * PhpSpreadsheet 1.3.0 or greater INSTALLATION ------------ * Strongly recommend installing this module using composer: composer require drupal/permission_spreadsheet * Also you can install PhpSpreadsheet separately using composer: composer require phpoffice/phpspreadsheet:^1.3 CONFIGURATION ------------- Visit /admin/config/people/permission_spreadsheet (Administration > Configuration > People > Permission spreadsheet settings) ABOUT SPREADSHEET FORMAT ------------- * Column A-C (1st-3rd) These columns are used to display permission info. Not necessary for importing so you can edit and reorder them between A-C, but do not remove to keep column D. * Column D (4th) This column is necessary to detect permission. You can not move this column to other position. * Column E- (5th-) Columns after column E contains marks that indicates permission is granted or revoked. Columns should be continuous, columns after break will be ignored. First row of these columns must contain role ID only. You can remove unwanted columns. e.g., if you don't need to change permissions for 'anonymous' role, remove 'anonymous' column. * Rows First row is header row, do not remove. You can remove unwanted rows. e.g., if you don't need to change 'administer menu' permission, you can remove 'administer menu' row.