--- label: 'Creating a content item' related: - node.overview - node.creating_type - path.creating_alias --- {% set content_link_text %} {% trans %}Content{% endtrans %} {% endset %} {% set content_link = render_var(help_route_link(content_link_text, 'system.admin_content')) %} {% set content_permissions_link_text %} {% trans %}Access the Content overview page{% endtrans %} {% endset %} {% set content_permissions_link = render_var(help_route_link(content_permissions_link_text, 'user.admin_permissions.module', {'modules': 'node'})) %} {% set content_overview_topic = render_var(help_topic_link('node.overview')) %}

{% trans %}Goal{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Create and publish a content item. See {{ content_overview_topic }} for more about content types and content items.{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Who can create content?{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Users with the {{ content_permissions_link }} permission can visit the Content page as described in this topic. Each content type has its own create permissions. For example, to create content of type Article, a user would need the Article: Create new content permission. In addition, users with the Bypass content access control or Administer content permission can create content items of all types. Some contributed modules change the permission structure for creating content.{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Steps{% endtrans %}

  1. {% trans %}In the Manage administrative menu, navigate to {{ content_link }}.{% endtrans %}
  2. {% trans %}Click Add content.{% endtrans %}
  3. {% trans %}If there is more than one content type defined on your site that you have permission to create, click the name of the type of content you want to create.{% endtrans %}
  4. {% trans %}On the content edit form, enter the Title of your content, which will show as the page title when the content item is displayed on a page, and also as the label for the content item in administration screens.{% endtrans %}
  5. {% trans %}Fill in the other fields shown on the edit form for this specific content type.{% endtrans %}
  6. {% trans %}Leave the Published field checked to publish the content immediately, or uncheck it to make it unpublished. Unpublished content is generally not shown to non-administrative site users.{% endtrans %}
  7. {% trans %}Optionally, click Preview to preview the content.{% endtrans %}
  8. {% trans %}Click Save. You will see the content displayed on a page.{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Additional resources{% endtrans %}