INTRODUCTION ------------ Twig Field Value allows Drupal themers to print field labels and field values individually. It provides two Twig filters one that print a field label and one that prints field value(s). Filters: - field_label : Returns the field label value. - field_value : Returns the render array of the field value(s) without the field wrappers. - field_raw : Returns raw field properties value(s). - field_target_entity : Returns the referenced entity object(s) of an entity reference field. USAGE ----- To print the label and value of a field: {{ content.field_name|field_label }}: {{ content.field_name|field_value }} To print the label and values of a field with multiple values: {{ content.field_name|field_label }}: {{ content.field_name|field_value|safe_join(', ') }} To print image link and the alt text of an image: {{ To print content of multiple referenced items.