ICICI Bank’s new digital banking platform for SMEs will enable customers to settle inward remittances in India

Launched last week, the platform has been designed for MSMEs and self-employed customers to help them undertake their business banking transactions digitally. The app enables customers in the export trade to settle inward remittances with greater ease and convenience as opposed to previous processes. 

Mastercard Uses Technology and Partnerships to Drive Innovation and Create Value for SMEs

James Anderson, executive vice president, Digital Payment Products, discusses how Mastercard is using supply chain to power business, and looking at more ways in which they can make payment flows within the supply chain more efficient. In Kenya, Mastercard partnered with Unilever and Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) to create Jaza Duka, a program that facilitates access to credit for small businesses, in this case merchants who are buying from Unilever.

Members Only Webinar - E-Commerce Platforms as a Gateway to New SME Finance Services

This webinar will look at how some of the world's leading e-commerce platforms serve as a gateway to new SME finance services. By having access to data on a merchant's daily transactions, e-commerce platforms can gain special insights into as well as the risks and opportunities for financing small businesses. The platforms also can serve as channels enabling new and improved financial products for this sector. 

Webinar sólo para miembros - Financiamiento Verde en Latinoamérica: Oportunidades de Negocio y Retos para la Banca

El sector bancario de Latinoamérica está dominado por bancos comerciales, cuyo segmento de negocio más significativo, en términos de volumen de negocios y número de clientes, es el segmento Pymes. El financiamiento verde en Latinoamérica ofrece infinitas oportunidades para los bancos comerciales, particularmente en el segmento de Pymes y de medianas empresas, donde las "oportunidades de financiamiento verde" todavía no se han explotado por la banca.

Five Highlights from the Africa SME Finance Forum: Day 1

Through the first Africa SME Finance Forum, IFC, financial institutions and entrepreneurs are seeking to find solutions to close the $331 billion SME finance gap across the continent. The conference on May 15-16 explores local and global best practice SME banking solutions to harness digital technology, e-commerce and blockchain, to promote youth entrepreneurship and new SME banking models. Here are five highlights from Day 1 of the event.