Free Resources for Members - COVID-19

Free Services

  • SEED Business School organizes a webinar series about practical steps to create a competitive advantage out of the COVID-19 crisis. Free registration for members here.
  • IFC in partnership with member CrediEnable offers a FREE financial health check.
  • UNCDF Guidance Note for Immediate Action: Plug and Play E-Grants for SMEs at Scale
  • For banks and lenders who offer loans around the world: Silver Lining (SLAP) offers a comprehensive, technology-enabled technical assistance program live within 24 hours at a "Pay What You Can" rate.  It is aimed at creating an instant technology-enabled, data-driven, using behavior change science to build to implement a program with their lending customers or small businesses to help them grow. For those businesses that cannot yet get a loan, SLAP is an option to build a stronger business, allowing to come back and re-apply for a loan, when they are in a better position. Details of the program can be found here:  
  • One of SME Finance Forum’s partners, Opportunity Network, is helping over 30000 SME clients find suppliers, clients, and financing so that they can remain in business and keep employing all their people. They have been experiencing a 40% increase in their activity since the crisis, 6x faster business connections, and a big inflow of new membership requests.  Opportunity Network is generously offering their services to the members of SME Finance Forum for free until the end of 2020. if you are interested to learn more, please see more details in the presentation here, and feel free to get in touch with Opportunity Network’s CEO, Brian Pallas (



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Member only content