Anthemis Innovation Playground for Financial Services (June 18, 2013)

It is critically important to engage at every level of our industry in the search for continuous improvement of products, services and business models. With the annual Innovation Playground event, Anthemis is aiming to create an environment that inspires creative thought and discussion. To help you find fresh perspectives on problems old and new. And to facilitate connections and relationships that are all important in the emerging digital, connected world.

For the 2013 edition, Anthemis partnered with PayExpo to host over 200 senior executives from around 150 companies across the globe, from banks, payments companies, remittance companies and fintech startups. The event had keynote speeches from the likes of Deanna Oppenheimer, JP Rangaswami, both of whom are Venture Partners with Anthemis Group and renowned author and economist Carlota Perez.

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Anthemis Innovation Playground for Financial Services (June 18, 2013)