Mark Pesce

Author Bio
Mark Pesce is an inventor, writer, entrepreneur, educator and broadcaster. In 1994, he co-invented VRML, a 3D interface to the World Wide Web. He has written six books, including VRML: Browsing and Building Cyberspace and The Playful World: How Technology is Transforming Our Imagination, which used toys such as Furby and Sony's PlayStation to explore our interactive future. For seven years, he was a panelist and judge on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's hit series "The New Inventors," celebrating Australia's newest inventions and inventors. A highly-regarded speaker, he entertains and informs audiences on the future of technology, media, government, health care, and education, and is a regular guest on James Valentine's ABC 702 radio program. His articles about technology and culture are regularly published in WIRED, Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, and ABC's The Drum. In 2006, he opened the doors of FutureSt, a Sydney consultancy dedicated to helping clients identify and benefit from the opportunities of connected business. In 2012, he co-founded MooresCloud, an Internet-of-Things startup dedicated to providing beautiful, intelligent and connected lighting for the home.