Opportunity Network And SME Finance Forum Announce Partnership

The partnership will accelerate the growth of small and medium businesses worldwide.

IFC's SME Finance Forum and Opportunity Network (ON) have agreed to collaborate to help small businesses form B2B partnerships, grow their business and expand to new markets.

The SME Finance Forum will invite its member banks catering to small businesses to join Opportunity Network's community of Trusted Partners. The banks in turn will nominate their most trusted and capable small business clients to join the network and post and respond to B2B deals worth $1 million and above. The Opportunity Network currently has over 14,000+ CEOs, referred through trusted financial institutions, and hosted over $80 billion in deals. ON's Trusted Partners include prestigious financial institutions and associations, such as Citizens Bank, London Stock Exchange Group, Caixa Bank, Intesa Sanpaolo, Eurobank, YPO, and Dentons.

"The SME Finance Forum is very excited about this new partnership. ON's creative approach of using financial institutions as intermediaries to identify those SMEs most ready to take advantage of international market opportunities plays to our strengths in the SME Finance Forum. Hopefully we will be able to help ON accelerate its partnership building with those FIs for whom this platform best fits their SME sector growth strategy," says Matt Gamser, CEO of the SME Finance Forum.

"We are excited to establish a partnership with SME Finance Forum. With its broad network of financial institutions and industry associations in developing countries we see strong synergies in working together to facilitate trade and investment to support the underserved SME segment. The partnership will also drive digitalization of SME banking and strengthen our efforts to make the benefits of globalisation truly accessible to entrepreneurs and investors in emerging markets," says Brian Pallas, CEO & Founder of Opportunity Network.

About Opportunity Network
Opportunity Network (ON) is the community for select CEOs and private investors to grow their businesses worldwide. ON includes over 14,400 CEOs from 113 countries and a total transaction flow of over $84B. ON members post or directly connect to actionable business and investment opportunities ranging from early stage funding to M&A, commercial partnerships, and JVs, both domestically and around the world. All ON members are screened by prestigious financial institutions, professional services firms, and associations worldwide. Our vetting partners include Citizens Bank, London Stock Exchange Group, Intesa Sanpaolo, Caixabank, Eurobank, YPO, and Dentons. ON aims to facilitate global business growth by breaking down barriers to trade and investment. For further information please visit: http://www.opportunitynetwork.com

About SME Finance Forum
The SME Finance Forum, created by the G20 countries and managed by the IFC, works to expand access to finance for small and medium businesses. It operates a global membership network that brings together financial institutions, technology companies, and development finance institutions to share knowledge, spur innovation, and promote the growth of SMEs. Its annual flagship event, the Global
SME Finance Forum 2017 will be held November 1-3 in Berlin, Germany. Learn more and register here: http://www.globalsmefinanceforum.org/2017


Press Contacts:
Enrica Sighinolfi
Founding Member, Chief Marketing & Communications Officer
Phone: +44 7412 970 996
Email: press@opportunitynetwork.com

Nadia Afrin
Head of Communications
Phone +202 458-4286
Email:  nafrin@ifc.org

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