Member News: CreditEase Product ShangTongDai Wins Award at The Asian Banker China Country Awards 2018

SME Finance Forum member CreditEase, a Beijing-based leading FinTech conglomerate in China, announced that its product ShangTongDai won “The Best API Product Initiative, Application or Programme” award and became the only non-bank financial services company winning The Asian Banker Transaction Award. The fellow winners of The Asian Banker Awards include ICBC, China Merchant Bank and other traditional financial institutions.

CreditEase Inclusive Finance ShangTongDai is CreditEase’s online financial services platform dedicated to providing loan to small and micro businesses (“SMB”). With its innovative inclusive finance solutions, ShangTongDai empowers SMBs to continue to grow. Built upon the big data powered customized services and cross-platform credit rating capability, ShangTongDai enables full-fledged online lending and timely addresses SMBs’ needs for capital.

Ms. Meng Sun, general manager of ShangTongDai, commented, “The Asian Banker’s award categories exemplify some of the emerging trends in financial services sector. Through seamless API data integration, ShangTongDai provides its partners and clients with real-time, fast and accurate credit assessment. We have already established strategic partnerships with many leading e-commerce platforms including Amazon, eBay, and Wish, and ERP and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) providers including Chanjet, Grasp, 2Dfire, and Kingdee. The mechanism of real-time credit assessment based upon data integration through APIs not only enables our partners to offer financial services capability, but also significantly enhance platform users’ data security.”

As the leading research, financial data and news provider in Asia Pacific region, The Asian Banker is committed to providing deep analysis of growth strategies for the Asian financial services industry. Every year, there are over 30,000 banking professionals around the globe following the latest global financial news, industry analysis and commentaries through its multiple media channels such as online and print publications, annual summit and forum and personalized research report. In the past 20 years, The Asian Banker has hosted global finance summit, and thousands of financial industry elites and business leaders attended to discuss the latest trends and future growth prospects.

The Asian Banker recently hosted the 2nd “The Future of Finance” and 19th Asian Banker Summit that gathered many domestic and international banking experts, decision makers in the banking industry and executives from other sectors to share thoughts and analysis on the changing financial environment in China, the latest trends of domestic and international financial service sector and key issues affecting the industry development. Other than the award granted to CreditEase Inclusive Finance ShangTongDai, the award ceremony also awarded other financial institutions for their outstanding performances in retail banking, trading, risk management, financial market and technologies.

The Asian Banker China Awards Programme is one of the most reputable annual awards for financial services sector in China. This award programme lasted three months and the Asian Banker research team reviewed multiple metrics and undertook weighted scorecard to evaluate all candidates. The final results were then determined and announced by The Asian Banker International Council of Advisors that encompasses of many distinguished scholars, industry consultancy and leading executives.

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