Financing SMEs and Entrepreneurs 2019. An OECD Scoreboard

Published annually, this report, in its 8th edition, documents trends in access to different types of finance for SMEs and entrepreneurs, financing conditions and government policy initiatives in this area. It was prepared by Kris Boschmans and Lora Pissareva, Policy Analysts, OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities, SME and Entrepreneurship Division (CFE/SMEE), under the supervision of Miriam Koreen (Senior Counsellor, CFE/SMEE), a speaker for our Global SME Finance Forum 2019.

The 2019 edition of the OECD’s annual report Financing SMEs and Entrepreneurs: An OECD Scoreboard, covers 46 countries across the globe and provides important information on a broad set of financing instruments at the disposal of SMEs. The report shows that these overall positive trends mask, nonetheless, very large cross-country variations. For instance, in countries that were most affected by the financial crisis, SME access to finance is still struggling to recover. In some large emerging economies, where the economic climate has remained difficult, indicators point to a deterioration in SME access to finance in recent years.

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