10+ Innovative Fintechs to Demo the Africa SME Finance Forum 2018

The Africa SME Finance Forum 2018 will examine the key challenges faced by MSMEs in Africa, and explore innovative local and global best practice solutions to promote youth entrepreneurship and enhance access to financing for MSMEs.


The TechPitch will be held in the afternoon of May 15, and will provide an opportunity for innovative fintechs to demo their product to global and emerging market investment firms, financial institutions and other Forum participants. This exclusive opportunity is one of the key features of the conference and is open to a limited number of financial technology innovators working in the SME space.  Approximately 12 fintech companies are selected to demo their products to Forum participants during this 90-minute session.


We are pleased to already have a number of fintech innovators such as Lendable, TALA, SME Credit Pro, Mobbisurance, N-Frnds, LendEnable, Alternative Circle, Lenddo, Q-Lana, Topicus, Uber, TagPay, The Things Network and many others joining us during the TechPitch. See fintech descriptions below.


Register for the Africa SME Finance Forum 2018 here.


See TechPitches from the Global SME Finance Forum 2017 in Berlin.


Confirmed TechPitchers

Alternative Circle

Alternative Circle is a fintech solutions company headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya. It provides financial access to over 200 million users in Africa and Asia.



LenddoEFL’s mission is to provide 1 billion people access to powerful financial products at a lower cost, faster and more conveniently. To date, LenddoEFL has provided credit scoring, verification and insights products to 50+ financial institutions, serving 6 million people and lending $2 billion USD.



Q-Lana is a comprehensive and easy to use cloud-based credit management platform serving SME Banks and their clients in developing countries.


Topicus Finance

Topicus helps banks, insurers and service providers make financing simple and accessible for consumers and entrepreneurs. It solves frustrating problems in processes by using technology as it is intended: a way of making things easier and more effective. Especially when it comes to complex financial matters. 



LendEnable is a data aggregation and analytics company that works with lenders across emerging markets to help them build high quality SME loan portfolios and to grow their business. It provides a suite of tools that significantly reduces the turn-around-time (TAT) and the cost involved in sourcing relevant creditworthy clients. 



N-Frnds is a ground-breaking cloud-based SaaS platform providing enterprises unparalleled reach to customers and suppliers in emerging markets. To date we already have a rapidly growing base of over 15 million committed users acquired through major global and local partnerships.



Lendable bridges the gap between institutional debt investors and high growth alternative lenders in Africa. The company employs technology-enabled deal services to help alternative lenders access structured finance to scale up their operations.



Mobbisurance is a South African based startup that is dedicated to providing access to affordable crop insurance to smallholder farmers. They utilize satellite imagery to, analyze crop growth, identify crop stress that is due to adverse weather such as drought or floods, and to also quantify the extent of damage.



Tala is an innovative, fast-paced mobile technology start-up, that provides a credit scoring and reporting platform to financial services institutions in emerging countries.


SME Credit Pro

The SMECreditPro platform combines an online, intuitive, easy to fill out MSME information application with third party innovative data sources, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to provide MSMEs with the business, financial, and credit ratings.



Uber Technologies Inc. is a peer-to-peer ridesharing, food delivery, and transportation network company headquartered in San Francisco, California, with operations in 633 cities worldwide.



TagPay has developed a digital banking platform that powers 30+ financial services in 15+ countries, with a strong footprint in Africa. The TagPay digital banking platform replaces the legacy core banking system of the financial institution.
The Things Network
The Things Network is building a network for the Internet of Things by creating abundant data connectivity, so businesses can flourish. They use technology called LoRaWAN and it allows for things to talk to the internet without 3G or WiFi.
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