Credit Decisioning Engines in the Cloud

The global unbanked and underbanked market continues to grow exponentially each year, and will reach an estimated three billion individuals and over 250 micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) over the coming decade. This segment of the banking industry has the potential to reach over $150bn, and both new and traditional banking entities continue to seek opportunities to provide competitive solutions to this underserved corner of the market.


In this case study, SME Finance Forum member, Mambu, looks at some of these sources and methods for building a credit history, and how upstart lenders can leverage Mambu’s cloud banking platform to utilize these innovative credit sourcing scoring technologies to create opportunities and secure a competitive advantage. Mambu also looks at how these new scoring methods have opened new markets, such as identifying good loan candidates who have been underserved because of poor credit scores under traditional methods.


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