Financing Women Entrepreneurs for Growth - Less Talk, More Doing

Please join us for a conversation about how the womenX program facilitates linkages between financial institutions and women entrepreneurs seeking necessary capital for business growth. Panelists will share their experiences from Pakistan and Nigeria working with respective central banks and local financial institutions.
womenX is a World Bank program aimed to empower women by improving their entrepreneurial ecosystem. This program provides business education, improves the business environment and connects women entrepreneurs to supply chains, new markets and funding sources. It implements an innovative approach of bundling services for women entrepreneurs and the mechanisms and instruments that have the greatest impact on their enterprise performance.

Opening Remarks:
Sebastian-A Molineus, Director – Finance and Markets Practice

Mehnaz Safavian, Program Lead – World Bank
Sarah Iqbal, Program Coordinator – Women Business and the Law
Andrew McCartney, Senior SME Banking Specialist – IFC


WomenX Overview - Mehnaz Safavian
WomenX in Pakistan - Sarah Iqbal
WomenX and Access to Finance in Pakistan - Andrew McCartney

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Washington DC - IFC Building - Room L101
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