Fintechs Wanted: Invitation to the Fintech Marketplace at the MFC-EMN Annual Conference

Fintech companies and tech providers working in the field of innovative solutions for financial institutions are invited to participate in the Fintech Marketplace during the MFC-EMN Annual ConferenceThe Fintech Marketplace will provide an opportunity to present its business and services and facilitate networking  with financial institutions, investors, EU institutions and microfinance practitioners. The Fintech Marketplace participants are offered a fee waiver to the conference and exhibition space.

Fintech Marketplace Objective

The objective of the market space is to create space for technology companies working with business lenders, fintechs and other types of alternative finance players to encourage innovation and partnership building. This dedicated market space created at the conference venue will allow alternative finance institutions to present their organizations, promote their business models and facilitate networking opportunities.

Who is eligible?

  • Companies (start-ups and others) working in the field of new technologies focused on providing innovative solutions for financial institutions (e.g. microfinance institutions, banks, cooperatives, etc)
  • Fintechs – especially those providing services to underserved population in Europe (e.g microbusiness, migrants, women, rural population, youth)

What we offer?

  • Conference fee wave
  • Space to present your business, services (market space including space for sitting, roll-up)
  • Networking opportunity with financial institutions, investors, EU institutions and other MFC members
  • Opportunity to join global community discussion on financial inclusion by understanding better the type of clients from underserved population (e.g. microbusiness, migrants, women, rural population, youth, people with debt issues)  you serve and what kind of additional value (e.g. speed of access, availability of services, decreased costs, personalization) you offer.

How to apply?

Please fill in the online application till 20th July 2018.

We plan to select 5 companies which will be offered a space free of charge. Selected companies will be contacted by 15th August 2018.

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