G-20 Round Table on Innovations in Agricultural Finance

The first G20 Round Table on Innovations in Agricultural Finance is taking place in Antalya, Turkey on September 9th, 2015 ahead of the G20 GPFI Forum and Plenary.

The agricultural sector is essential for food security, job creation and overall economic growth. However, the potential is largely untapped and agriculture in developing countries is still characterized by low productivity. There is a strong need to sustainably modernize the agricultural sector in developing countries. This, however, comes with a heavy demand for investment capital and providing sustainable financial services for rural areas and agriculture has proven to be extremely difficult.

At the Round Table, 5 new studies on the following subjects will be presented:

  • Agricultural Insurance,
  • Value Chain Finance,
  • Digital Technology, Financial Services, and Smallholder Farmers,
  • Financing for Women in the Agricultural Sector, and
  • Understanding Smallholder Demand, Driving Innovation.

Join peers from around the world to engage in an evidence-based discussion with G20 representatives, high level policymakers, financial service providers, and researchers on these 5 key areas of agricultural finance.

Antalya, Turkey
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