Global Private Equity Conference 2017

The IFC and EMPEA will be hosting its 19th Annual Global Private Equity Conference in Washington, D.C. on 15-18 May 2017. Join more than 850 delegates from 60+ countries for the main conference forum featuring in-depth keynotes and candid panel sessions on the future of emerging markets investing with on-the-ground perspectives from macro and regional experts and the most active investors.

The conference’s 120+ speaker faculty will include Chip R. Kaye, Co-CEO of Warburg Pincus; Dan Ariely, Head of Research for Irrational Innovations at Duke University; Heidi Crebo-Rediker, CEO of International Capital Strategies and a Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations; and many more!

The Global Private Equity Conference is part of EM PE Week in Washington, D.C. from 15-18 May 2017, and includes the Institutional Investors-Only Summit, EMPEA’s Members-Only Reception, the EMPEA Fundraising Masterclass and more.

For media queries, please forward to Leela Vosko at

For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Olivia Drouhaut at

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