India Moves Toward Universal Financial Inclusion

According to the Global Findex, India has improved financial inclusion; it’s reported that 80 percent of adults in 2017, have bank accounts and women owning accounts have increased by 30 percent. 

The Findex and the 2018 Financial Inclusion Insights (FII), show the Jan Dhan Yojana scheme (PMJDY) has contributed to helping the unbanked reach account ownership, along with the Aadhaar scheme, making it simpler for people to verify their identity and open an account. Furthermore government benefit programs contributed to the increase and demand for account surrounding poor people, according to the article. 

The gap between men and women account holders is also shrinking. According to Findex, 20 percent more men than women had accounts in 2014, however by 2017 this gap has decreased by four percent. 

While moving in the right direction, challenges still remain. Increasing account use and reaching those who are excluded, remain a challenge for India. 

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