Inter-American Awards for Financial and Entrepreneurial Innovation 2014

The 2014 Inter-American Awards for Financial and Entrepreneurial Innovation are organized by the MIF, a member of the Inter American Development Bank (IDB) Group. The nominations call for innovative and efficient organizations that focus their work on either of the two categories:

Financial Inclusion: The Inter-American Award for Financial Inclusion was established to recognize innovative and efficient financial institutions that provide financial services to poor and low-income populations in the Latin American and Caribbean region.

Digital Finance: The Inter-American Award for Digital Finance was established to recognize innovation in the use of information and communications technology to expand financial inclusion and improve the quality, variety and affordability of credit, savings, payment, and microinsurance products in the Latin American and Caribbean region. The award will also identify outstanding initiatives from financial intermediaries, agent networks, technology, and communications companies, including mobile phone operators that provide digital finance solutions for low-income and poor populations in sectors such as health, education, and energy.

Nominations are accepted until July 25, 2014.


Guayaquil, Ecuador
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