Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Banking and Lending Roundtable: Capturing Growth and Delivering Innovation with Big Data, Mobile and Analytics

Please join IBM, the SME Finance Forum, and other leading industry experts for a unique opportunity to discuss the challenges, opportunities and big data technology implications for the MSME banking segment in emerging markets.

Big opportunity: Global emerging market MSME banking

  • Big market: 365–440 million MSMEs (formal + informal)
  • Big revenues, growth, margins: $367 billion revenue, 20% growth/year, 25–33% ROE
  • Big gaps: $2.1–2.6 trillion credit gap, $1.0–1.2 trillion cash balances outside bank

Seizing the opportunity: Big data solutions

The world’s stock of digital data will more than double1 every two years between now and 2020, fueled by the compound growth in mobile, cloud, big data, electronic payments and social. Importantly, by 2020, the division of the world’s digital data between mature and emerging markets will switch – from 60 percent coming from mature markets today to 60 percent coming from emerging markets by 2020.2 Transformational technologies are following the growth in data. Analytical and processing capabilities are rapidly expanding across new digital ecosystems, while transaction costs are plummeting. And smart mobile devices are making this information accessible to more users around the world.

Join IBM and SME Finance Forum experts in a collaborative roundtable discussion to help shape the answers to key questions:

  • What do these big data trends mean for emerging market MSME banking, MSME finance, and MSMEs?
  • What are the biggest growth opportunities and challenges?
  • How can we build faster and easier financing solutions that are better suited to the needs of today’s MSMEs?
  • How can banks become more digital, connected, and integrated with their MSME customers?
  • What is the “right” data (inside and outside the bank) for MSME financial product and services innovation?
  • How do we acquire it, use it and monetize it?
  • Are there new ecosystems forming?
  • How will business and technology models need to transform to take advantage of these opportunities?

Click here to RSVP

Westin Boston Waterfront (Faneuil Room), Boston, Massachusetts
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