The Risk Of Playing Alt Lending’s Rate Limbo interviews CEO Ola Okeshola on how the access to capital for small businesses has dried up significantly since the Great Recession. While the challenge is easy to pinpoint, the solutions are harder to find, as FinTechs serving SMBs aren’t just looking to answer a series of questions that the market is still learning how to ask, let alone answer.

FinTech, Okeshola said, can offer SMBs streamlined access to funds in ways that are unprecedented. That’s the good news: There is a large, hungry and addressable market out there. Alt lending, Okeshola says, doesn’t have to be a one-size-fits-all solution – and different points of the landscape will evolve in a lot of directions. “I spend hours a day thinking about what’s next, and I’m not sure I know what the answer is, and I’m not sure anyone else really does, either,” he explained.

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