U.S. SBA CIO Maria Roat Shares How SMBs Can Protect Themselves

Maria Roat is Chief Information Officer at the U.S. Small Business Administration explains how small businesses are at risk for cyber attacks and explains how her agency and others are working to help owners protect themselves. 

"Small businesses are targets, and many are unprepared for cybersecurity challenges including ever-changing and increasing threats from malware, viruses and ransomware against intellectual property and company data. Nor are they adequately prepared to recognize or respond to an internal or external incident," she says.

In the Washington Times piece, Roat encourages business owners to invest in cloud technologies among other resources. She says there are 46 identified cybersecurity programs, projects and activities available to small businesses across the federal government alone. Additionally, cybersecurity resources for small businesses can be found in a myriad of other venues, including state and local web sites, online courses, and workshops from groups such as the National Cyber Security Alliance and local chambers of commerce.

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