WEBINAR: MSME Finance Gap – US$5.2 Trillion Opportunity

How big is the financing gap faced by MSMEs in developing countries? What implications does this have for IFC and other DFIs working on facilitating MSME finance? What potential opportunities does this present FIG client FIs?

Join us to discuss the new study conducted by IFC and the World Bank and learn about the unmet demand for finance from MSMEs in developing countries around the globe.

In the developing economies studied, the potential demand for MSME finance is estimated at US$8.9 trillion, compared to the current credit supply of US$3.7 trillion. The resulting finance gap from formal MSMEs is valued at US$5.2 trillion (or 19% of GDP).

A recording of the webinar is now also available.

Audience questions and anwers are available in the PDF below.


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