XXII Latin-American Forum on Guarantee and Financing Systems for MSMEs

Colombia will welcome the XXII Latin-American Forum on Guarantee and Financing Systems for MSMEs, organized by the National Guarantee Fund - FNG and the Ibero-American Network of Guarantees - REGAR. The event will be held on  28 and 29 September 2017 in Bogota, Colombia.

The main theme of the Forum will be: "Innovation in guarantee systems and business financing".

This Latin-American Forum is recognized as the main event of the Latin-American Guarantee Systems. It is an international conference, developed year after year and uninterrupted since 1998, under the management of REGAR and the support of local organizing partners. Annually, it brings together more than 400 participants from 24 Latin-American countries and other continents to share experiences, exchange information, define strategies and find solutions to help MSMEs become increasingly competitive and prepared to face future challenges, through the guarantee systems.

This event is aimed at national and international managers, administrators, managers, officials and experts of: Guarantee systems, public and private financial institutions, development organizations, multilateral organizations, universities and academia, entrepreneurs and managers of micro, small and medium businesses.

In order to confirm participation, please complete the registration form available on the Forum's website. You will also find there the preliminary program of the event and accommodation options. For more information, please contact the event coordinator through the following email: foro.garantias@fng.gov.co


Bogota, Colombia
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