
Helping businesswomen and creating jobs in Uganda - DFCU Bank

Access to finance is a problem faced by many women in Uganda. DFCU Bank, a commercial bank in Uganda, helps women entrepreneurs overcome this challenge. It runs a 'women in business' programme, which supports over 4000 businesswomen. CDC, the UK's development finance institution, is a long-term investor in DFCU. Its investment allows the bank to provide long-term funding to support small and medium businesses (SMEs), including those run by women, enabling them to grow and provide sustainable jobs.

Empowering women entrepreneurs in Myanmar: Lin Lin’s story and the #5by20 initiative

Ma Lin Lin is a wife and mother of four from Kyu Wun Village, Myanmar. The former rock miner's daily struggle to make ends meet transformed when she joined the capacity building program, Swan Yi. Now a business owner and entrepreneur, Ma Lin Lin has built a brighter future for her family. Hear her story, as one of the five million women around the world The Coca-Cola Company will empower by 2020 as part of the #5by20 initiative.

Access to Credit: Women Entrepreneurs in Bangladesh

In the Northeastern Bangladesh city of Sylhet, a group of women entrepreneurs have joined together to advocate for better access to loans for women. Through their efforts, more women are now finding the means to grow their own business and boost employment in their region. The Asia Foundation, in partnership with BICF, has provide technical assistance and training to women's business forums in four districts of Bangladesh since 2008.