
New insights on lending to women-owned SMEs, by Anthony Cotton of USAID's Development Credit Authority

Anthony Cotton of USAID's Development Credit Authority speaks about how DCA mobilizes capital by giving guarantees to banks who loan to small enterprises. He explains that while some banks see women-owned enterprises as risky investments, DCA is frequently able to improve the terms of loans and reduce interest by acting as a form of insurance for the bank.

Root Capital: Short-term trade credit loans for small and growing agricultural businesses

Root Capital extends finance to businesses under-served by commercial lenders in Africa and Latin America. To meet the particular needs of each borrower, we provide a variety of loan products as well as financial advisory services.

Short-term trade credit loans
Terms up to 18 months
Oriented around the harvest or production cycle
Used to finance the purchase and sale of agricultural or craft products

Root Capital: Woman in Agriculture Initiative

Launched in 2012, Root Capital's Women in Agriculture Initiative aims to enhance our lending products and financial advisory services to provide reliable economic opportunities for women, and to ultimately better understand how women help grow rural prosperity so that we can magnify our impact over time.
The initiative focuses on industries that traditionally employ large percentages of women, such as shea nuts and other wild-harvested crops, staple food products and agro-processing, as well as businesses led by women entrepreneurs and managers.

Economics of MSMEs in Africa - CNBC Interview

African SMMEs historically lack access to finance and this is likely to be exacerbated by the effects of the financial and economic crisis on the continent. However according to the African Development Bank there is a renewed focus on them as they are a key potential creator of jobs and alleviator of poverty.
Joining ABN’s David Williams to discuss the economics of SMMEs is David Crush, Manager of Access to Finance in Africa, IFC and Nazeem Martin, Managing Director of Business Partners.

Principles and Models of an Effective Credit Scoring Tool Design - Anup Singh, MicroSave

In this video, MicroSave expert Anup Singh, Domain Leader for MSME financing, discusses the utility of credit scoring tool for standardised appraisal of prospective MSMEs for financing. He mentions about the key design considerations that the banks and financial institutions must keep in mind while developing credit scoring tool for MSMEs' appraisal. He compares the statistical and judgmental models of credit scoring tool design and discusses cases when each of these can be used.

Giving credit where credit is due by Oscar Madeddu from the International Finance Corporation

In this presentation, Oscar Madeddu from the IFC explains how credit bureaus and credit scoring help to fill the credit gap for MSME and formalize the “Informals”.
This presentation was given during a conference jointly organized by The Arab Monetary Fund and IFC on “Building a High Performance Small Medium Enterprise Business in the Arab World” on 7-8 May 2013 in Dubai, UAE.