
The Role of Payments Market Infrastructures and Correspondent Banks in Instant International Payments

Instant payment services are being developed by payment market infrastructures (PMIs) all over the world. Banks also see real-time services from PMIs as an opportunity to develop new products. The benefits these domestic instant payments systems bring will also be felt in cross-border payments once the systems start to inter-operate. But the barriers to achieve this goal are not only technological.

The Banker Interview from Global SME Finance Forum with EIB and IFC

The Banker's economics editor Silvia Pavoni talks to Roger Havenith, deputy chief executive of the European Investment Fund, and Adel Meer, head of SME finance at the International Finance Corporation (IFC) about how their organisations can help fill the global $5,200bn finance gap for micro, small and medium-sized businesses. The interview took place at the SME Finance Forum in Berlin.

Anne-Marie Chidzero on How Women, SMEs Support SDGs

Anne-Marie Chidzero Managing Partner, Alitheia Identity, and Board Member, Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund and Women’s World Banking, suggests ways in which the World Bank Group can help catalyze private sector growth in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including supporting small and medium sized businesses (SMEs), especially women-led businesses.

This interview took place following IEG's IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings event, "Harnessing the Power of the Private Sector In Support of Sustainable Development."

IPOs for SMEs: Can Capital Markets Close the Financing Gap?

The Miken Institute panel discusses the lessons learned, globally, from recent efforts to expand SME access to capital through equity markets. The experts share how effective have SME exchanges been in attracting listings and expanding firms' access to capital. The panel also reviews SME listings, and how to promote greater investor participation.


Staci Warden, Executive Director, Center for Financial Markets, Milken Institute



Ana Carvajal, Lead Financial Sector Specialist, World Bank Group

Microfinance and the Missing Middle: Moving Upstream to Finance SGBs

Some experts have questioned what role microfinance institutions (MFIs) can play in financing and serving small businesses. While some MFIs have grown to accommodate more mainstream services, a study by CGAP has noted that the challenge for many MFIs to service the SGB market requires different systems, risk assessment tools, staff capacities, and more diverse product offerings. However, the need to finance and grow the SGB (small and growing businesses) sector exists as it constitutes the “missing middle”.

A new method of invoice financing that connects businesses with financiers

Finturi was one of the fintechs that participated in the TechPitch demos during the Global SME Finance Forum 2019 in Amsterdam last October. Co-founder Erich Schnoeckel presented a new method of invoice financing that connects businesses with financiers and helps businesses borrow money against invoices developed by Finturi. Learn more in this video.