Credit Scoring and Credit Risk


Netherlands Development Finance Company (FMO) Donates $211k to Incofin Investment Management of Belgium to Renew Capacity Development Facility

Incofin Investment Management, a Belgian fund management company, and the Netherlands Development Finance Company (FMO), a public-private development bank founded in 1970, recently signed the fourth capacity development agreement stemming from their partnership that was launched in 2008 to strengthen a total of 14 microfinance institutions (MFIs) worldwide.

Small Business Credit Survey: Report on Women-Owned Firms

Majority women-owned firms, where 51 percent or more of the business is owned by women, are an important segment of U.S. businesses. Since 2007, women-owned firms in the United States, both the self-employed and firms with employees (“employer firms”), have been growing—in number and as a share of all U.S. firms. As of 2015, women-owned firms totaled over one million and accounted for one-fifth of U.S. firms. Among women-owned employer firms, jobs and annual receipts have grown since 2012.

Digital Trends for SMEs to Close the Credit Gap

As a new SME Finance Forum member, Mambu was excited to participate in the Global SME Finance Forum and host a study tour at their Berlin office. The Forum gathered over 400 representatives from SME lenders and banks, as well as donors and investors to discuss how the digital revolution can help SMEs gain better access to financial services. But why are SMEs considered the missing middle and which digital trends can help close the credit gap? In this article Mambu explains.

2017 USGSA Report

Financial inclusion is now firmly established as a powerful tool to improve lives and strengthen development. Each year, the Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance—Queen Máxima of the Netherlands—publishes a report that looks at what financial inclusion has achieved and where it is going.


Digitization of SME Finance Is a Win-Win for All

Globally, access to finance remains one of the most significant constraints to the growth, productivity and even survival of SMEs – and to the critical jobs they create. The SME credit gap is both a demand and supply side problem. On the demand side, many SMEs cannot get access to credit because bankers cannot see the critical information they require to assess creditworthiness. To most bankers, this means they lack financial documentation, business plans, collateral, etc.

Credit Information Systems Focusing Small and Medium Enterprises – ELearning Course for Financial Institutions

With a purpose to create knowledge among SMEs and Financial institutions about the Credit Reporting for SME segment, the World Bank Group has developed two compelling and interactive online Learning Courses on this topic. These courses are intended to provide SMEs and lenders with the knowledge about MSME financing, credit information sharing, the role of credit information service providers, credit Reports, credit Score, and dispute resolution process.

G20 Action Plan on SME Financing: Credit Infrastructure Country Self-Assessment Consolidated Report

Small and Medium-Sized enterprises (SMEs) make up a large majority of businesses globally and play a crucial role in global economic development through job creation, economic growth, and innovation. For the health of the global economy, it is imperative that they have access to the needed credit to grow and expand. Credit infrastructure remains an important element in ensuring that SMEs (and others) have access to credit when needed and at the lowest possible cost.

De-Risking and Other Challenges in the Emerging Market Financial Sector

Recent efforts to strengthen the global financial system will ultimately contribute to greater financial stability and a safer world. However, the resultant de-risking is reportedly having a negative impact on banking in emerging markets. With this 2017 Correspondent Banking in Emerging Markets Survey of over 300 banking clients in 92 countries, IFC brings important new information and data to the de-risking discussion.

CGAP Analyzes Creditworthiness in Bangalore

On a recent visit to Bangalore, India, CGAP worked with Janalakshmi Financial Services to deepen their understanding of microentrepreneurs through research and qualitative discussions. They found that the conventional measures used to assess larger businesses, such as formal credit history, the enterprise’s size and the number of years it has been in business, often incompletely assess the business acumen of microentrepreneurs.