Credit Scoring and Credit Risk


BUM SME Banking Club Conference 2019

Last year, banks showed a significant increase in net profit! This year, leading bank managers and SME experts will meet at the VIII Annual Conference of the SME Banking Club Conference 2019 for Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova (BUM19) to discuss sales potential and cost effectiveness.

How can banks cooperate with fintech startups? Cooperation patterns

Digital banking
Offline vs. online in SMEs. Bank for business - 100% online. Is it possible

Creating a vertical SME in a transforming bank

2019 ACCIS Annual Conference

The Annual Conference will be preceded by the ACCIS Annual General Assembly held on 12 June at the same venue. The ACCIS Conference, the largest gathering of professionals working on credit data issues in Europe, will again deliver the most up-to-date information in the field of credit referencing.

FCI 51st Annual Meeting

This annual meeting will gauge the direction of the industry and discuss and debate the most important developments, such as: 
• the rise of fintechs/blockchain technology and their possible benefits and potential threats to the Receivables Finance industry;
• the impact of Basel regulatory capital requirements and the use of credit insurance as a risk mitigation tool and their combined effect on capital adequacy; 
• the benefits of establishing a Supply Chain Finance (SCF) platform inside a bank/receivables finance operation; 

Brief: Debt Collection in 2019 – From Recovery to Retention

In October 2018, the total outstanding consumer debt in the US surpassed $3.96 trillion – a continuously increasing volume (in Q1 2018, the total outstanding consumer debt in the US was at ~$3.86 trillion) that could make debt collection one of the hottest businesses of 2019. Q3 2018 delinquency rates for consumer loans is at 2.28% (credit card loans at 2.49%) – a number that represents an opportunity for companies operating in the lending space to focus on practices ensuring sustainable and responsible recovery of funds.