Regulation and Supervision


Report assesses Mediterranean Middle East and North Africa SME policies and programmes

The European Union Delegation to Jordan announced in a press statement on Wednesday the results of an assessment regarding small- and medium-sized enterprises' (SMEs) policies in Jordan and eight other economies in the Middle East and North Africa region.

According to the press release, key stakeholders discussed reform priorities identified in a new report: "SME Policy Index: The Mediterranean Middle East and North Africa 2014, Implementation of the Small Business Act for Europe".

The Montreal Group

Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) face ongoing challenges. In response, governments have developed schemes to help remedy market deficiencies where private sector sources are unable or unwilling to operate, by creating public development banks.
The Montreal Group is a forum created to foster peer group exchanges, identify best practices and innovative solutions on issues/products such as loan guarantees, financing intangible projects, consulting services, global business matching or governance.

Assessing the Business Environment and Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Egypt and Tunisia

We know that North African economies urgently need economic reforms, opportunities for youth, and greater economic inclusion. But what do we know about where the opportunities lie and – just as important – what are the greatest barriers that obstruct the growth of businesses?

A few salient insights emerged from a recent survey of 131 Egyptian and 100 Tunisian entrepreneurs and business owners, which was conducted by the Center on Development, Democracy, and the Rule of Law at Stanford in cooperation with CIPE. Many of the findings will come as no surprise — the business environment and entrepreneurial ecosystems have room to improve in both countries, and political uncertainty puts a drag on business. One major, policy-relevant finding is the need to address disparities in access to opportunity.

A path to empowerment and opportunity: UNSGSA 2014 Annual Report

Financial inclusion is expanding around the world, transforming the lives of widely diverse populations. From market women in Kenya and small farmers in India, shopkeepers in China and villagers in the remote Colombian mountains, millions are gaining access to the financial tools and services they need to stabilize their lives, take advantage of opportunities, and plan for the future.


Event: Financing SMEs, Sharing Ideas for Effective Policies

Date: 15-16 October 2014
Locatiaon: Jakarta, Indonesia
Participation is by invitation only

The aim of this policy dialogue is to engage policymakers and other stakeholders in a substantive discussion on the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). A key focus will be on sharing ideas and best practises from around the Asian region.
This workshop is organized by the Asian Development Bank Institute.