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Equity and Quasi Equity

New Wine into Old Wineskins: The Problem with the Way Everyone Does Funds By Village Capital

Over the past several years, we’ve seen a growing focus on how important early-stage innovations are in solving major global problems, and the barriers standing in their way.Each of these pieces make the case that—to really make a difference—organizations that believe that entrepreneurs can solve major global problems should invest at the earliest stages. But this isn’t happening. Anywhere you look, it’s difficult to find risk capital for innovation. Of over 300 self-described “impact investment” firms, fewer than five invest at the catalytic stage—less than $250,000 per investment. According to the Center for Venture Research’s report “Where Have All the Angel Investors Gone?”, capital committed to US companies from angel investors has fallen 25 per cent since 2007.

Village Capital

We support mission-driven entrepreneurs around the world. Our experiential programs, developed with partners worldwide, harness peer-to-peer support to develop business concepts, fine-tune them for success, and actually invest capital.

Developing World Markets

We are at the forefront of a global effort to create investible solutions to meet the social and economic needs of the developing world. We structure transactions that provide inclusive financial institutions (IFINs) with access to international capital markets. We aim to achieve sustainable development through market-level financial returns for our investors and social returns in the developing world.

The rise of capital markets in emerging and frontier economies

Capital markets promote economic development and growth by facilitating and diversifying firms’ access to finance. In order to do this they rely on institutions, including sound financial reporting and assurance, and these in turn depend on the accounting profession. This discussion paper considers how these relationships work and how policymakers can build on them.

Can capital markets can do more for small issuers? By Manos Schizas from ACCA

Only a fraction of the world’s SMEs are funded by public equity. ACCA considers whether the world’s capital markets can do more for small issuers.Xavier Rolet, CEO of the London Stock Exchange Group, has been making the rounds recently, drumming up support for Europe’s SMEs as the most reliable job creators in the region. He’s right, of course, in identifying the sector as a powerful engine of employment, but can the capital markets supply SMEs’ funding needs?

Financial Access

Financial Access Capital Partners (“FA”) is a financial services advisory firm active in emerging markets and developing economies. The main focus of our activities is to enhance the operational, commercial and financial performance of our clients. We provide specialist know-how and operational advice, mobilise the necessary management resources and arrange debt or equity financing on behalf of our clients.


OPIC is the U.S. Government’s development finance institution. It mobilizes private capital to help solve critical development challenges and in doing so, advances U.S. foreign policy. Because OPIC works with the U.S. private sector, it helps U.S. businesses gain footholds in emerging markets, catalyzing revenues, jobs and growth opportunities both at home and abroad. OPIC achieves its mission by providing investors with financing, guarantees, political risk insurance, and support for private equity investment funds.