Equity and Quasi Equity


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Equity and Quasi Equity

'The Case for Gender Diversity for Women Entrepreneurs' by Monica Dodi, Managing Director of the Women’s Venture Capital Fund

Recently, there have been numerous research studies by McKinsey, the Boston Consulting Group, the Kaufman Foundation, Dow Jones and the National Center for Women in Technology that have shown that gender diversity significantly increases profitability, productivity and return on investment.Nonetheless, over 90 percent of venture capital investments in the US go to all male teams! This is an almost unbelievable number because intuitively we know that diversity of any kind allows for better decision making and risk mitigation. Companies succeed when different perspectives are incorporated in their strategies.

Non-traditional private equity financing can be a win-win solution for SMEs

The difficulties faced by SMEs in getting finance, especially in the developing world, have been well documented. The causes are equally well known. First, traditional bank financing (secured or cash-flow based) is often not available due to the lack of adequate collateral or the opaque modus operandi of many SMEs. Also, financial markets may not be sufficiently well developed to facilitate traditional private equity (PE) financing of SMEs. A typical private equity (PE) firm or fund requires controlling positions in a company it invests. But in Sub-Sahara Africa, most small business people are both owner and operator of lifestyle businesses and have little interest in letting go of control of their company. Another constraint to the traditional PE financing model is the lack of exit channels such as a well-functioning initial public offering (IPO) or merger and acquisition (M&A) market. 

Aureos Capital's Role in Financing SMEs across Asia, Africa and Latin America

Aureos works in the challenging field of SME investing in emerging markets. From small beginnings in 2001, Aureos has raised 17 regional funds and now has in the range of US$ 1.3 billion of funds under management. What are some key reasons behind your success?

Sev Vettivetpillai: Aureos - which was initially part of CDC group (UK’s Development finance Institution) - started its SMEs operation in 1990-92, investing primarily in companies where our investment size ranged from 100,000 to 2 million US$.