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Equity and Quasi Equity

Digital Disruption Revisited - What FinTech VC Investments Tells Us About a Changing Industry

2016 was the year when the Chinese FinTech dragons roared and some previously feted Western FinTech leaders wilted. In our first Digital Disruption GPS report, we argued that China was very important to the FinTech story (March 2016, link here). In this follow-on report, we follow the venture capital (VC) and corporate investments money trail to revisit the theme of the Chinese FinTech dragons as they roar at home and expand overseas.

How Angels and CEOs Track Performance to Achieve High Growth

Every angel wants to invest in a winner, and entrepreneurs who know what’s most important to measure have a proven way to increase their probability of success. Led by Dr. Jana Matthews, world renowned speaker, this webinar will define three kinds of measures (activity, outcomes and productivity) that have helped her client companies increase revenue by 24% and profitability by 29% in nine months .

Venture Capital: Driving Economic Growth in Latin America and the Caribbean

Startups and scaleups create the vast majority of jobs in the formal economy, providing, on average, 66% of the jobs worldwide, and the greatest share of jobs in low income countries. Moreover, the small and medium enterprise (SME) sector is important not just for job creation, but also for economic growth, thanks to its outstanding capacity to increase productivity through innovation.

13th Annual AVCA Conference

The AVCA Annual Conference is the association’s flagship event, which provides the private equity and venture capital industry in Africa with an important platform to discuss the most pertinent opportunities and issues of the year. From humble beginnings starting in 2003 in Cameroon, AVCA has held conferences in Morocco, Kenya, Senegal, Botswana, Egypt, Ghana, South Africa, Nigeria and most recently United Kingdom, and has grown attracting over 500 delegates from over 30 countries globally.

Opportunities and limitations of public equity markets for SMEs

This article on public equity financing for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) complements earlier OECD work on market-based finance for SMEs. The development of this market segment could promote investment in SMEs and, together with securitisation and other non-bank debt financing instruments, encourage an enhanced allocation of risk and risk taking, and thus support growth. Despite the benefits of public SME equity, its share is small and an equity gap exists for risk financing more generally.

World Business Angels Investment Forum

The Forum will bring together the best small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from around the world, public authorities, angel investors, venture capitalists, executives of stock exchanges, and representatives of institutions that work to facilitate entrepreneurs’ access to finance, with the aim of taking measures that will facilitate entrepreneurs’ access to finance from start-up to the early exit phase.

SAVCA’s Private Equity in Southern Africa Conference

The objectives of the 2016 Southern African Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (SAVCA) Conference are to:

  • Showcase the Southern African private equity and venture capital industry
  • Promote the private equity and venture capital asset class in general
  • Create a compelling context for networking and information sharing amongst industry players
  • Establish a platform for building and solidifying SAVCA's relationships with industry organisations, investors, regulators, members and the media

Sub-Saharan Africa and International Equity

International private equity has been the fast growing capital flow to the sub-Saharan Africa with a five-fold growth and a total of more than $50 billion of inflows since 2008. It now comprises approximately $12 billion annually and 20% of cross-border capital flows.
It offers an unprecedented opportunity to accelerate economic development.
However, new policy is needed from development finance institutions, national governments and bi-lateral agencies to capture their benefits. Policy priorities include;