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Fintech Trends Report India 2017

PwC and Startupbootcamp are stationed at the heart of the FinTech ecosystem in India. Startupbootcamp scouts for and supports promising, early-stage startups in the country, while PwC advises a wide-range of corporate and institutional clients on leading FinTech issues. For its first program in India, Startupbootcamp FinTech analysed more than 1000 startups from across the world.

Factoring services can bridge SME gap in Africa

Factoring services can bridge the gap in the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Africa by addressing the challenges the SMEs face in accessing funding for business activities.

This is according to Kanayo Awani, Managing Director of the Intra-African Trade Initiative of the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank).

Awani was speaking during a high level business discussion held in Douala, Cameroon.

Turkey posts its G20 priorities, and SMEs are high on the list

Please see the link for the official announcement from the Turkish government.  2015 should be a very exciting one for SME finance and SME development.  Turkey has been a leader in the SME agenda of the G20 since its inception, and has served as co-chair of the SME finance subgroup since SME finance became a priority for the G20 in 2009.  As a technical partner to the G20's Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion, the SME Finance Forum looks forwarding to supporting the Turkish agenda during this coming year. 

Our readers may also see that Turkey will be forming a new global body to represent SMEs' own interests during 2015.  Unfortunately the working name for this entity is "SME Forum", which risks some brand confusion, for obvious reasons!.  We'll also be working with our G20 colleagues on this, hopefully with some resolution that helps build and grow this very worthwhile complementary institution, while avoiding too many cases of mistaken identity.



Running a small business can be challenging, especially when it comes to managing your cash flow. Regardless of how well your business is doing, balancing incoming capital and ongoing expenses isn’t always easy. If you ever tried getting a loan you already know how tedious and lengthy the process is (and with banks, there's only a 10% chance you'll get approved anyway).

Factoring In Nicaragua

Factoring is one of the best ways for SMEs to get immediate liquidity, better cash flows, increase sales and reduce administrative costs. In 2005, the MIF supported Credifactor a pioneering institution in factoring that promotes greater access to financing for small Nicaraguan businesses.