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The Blockchain Africa Conference 2017

Bitcoin Events Pty Ltd hosted the inaugural Bitcoin & Blockchain Africa Conference in 2015 in Cape Town and its second conference in 2016 in Johannesburg. Both conferences were a huge success and were attended by international and local delegates.
The world's largest organisations are looking at the blockchain technology as a means to improve their existing services, systems and products by leveraging its key features: security, transparency, full life-cycle transaction history, real-time, immutability and cost-efficiency.

Rethinking Banking with Fidor Bank, Podcast

Today we’re very lucky to be joined by Sophie Guibaud, Head of European Expansion for Fidor Bank, one of Europe’s original and best known digital-only banks.

Originally launched in Germany in 2009, Fidor expanded into the UK in 2015.

Prior to joining Fidor, Sophie led product strategy and commercialization at Bankable, a white-label banking platform provider. Before that, she was the Chief Marketing Officer at HelloFresh, a Rocket Internet-backed ready-to-cook meal delivery startup.

Fintech for SMEs is the next big thing (again)

In the excitable world of fintech, companies, technologies, business models and customer segments rise and fall in popularity with speed and volatility matched only by bitcoin. After ridding the world of outdated, predatory incumbent banks in the interest of honest, hardworking, iPhone-wielding men and women, fintech was going to fundamentally address the woefully inadequate financial services available to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Fintech regulation on G20 agenda

For banking and insurance, digitization could prove as disruptive as it has been for the media industry. Is that a risk to financial stability? Germany has put the topic on the G20 agenda.

For consumers, the new world of digital financial services is full of promise: Pay with a click, take a loan with your phone, whenever you want, wherever you are.

Innovate Finance - Global Summit 2017

FinTech takes over London for a special two day event in 2017 – and we want you to join us.

Innovate Finance Global Summit (IFGS), the world’s biggest celebration of achievement in FinTech, happens on April 10th – 11th 2017 across the City of London.

The annual event is the most prestigious conference for the financial technology industry, a platform that convenes the world’s global institutions together with startups, policy makers and investors to share ideas and solutions to the challenges facing financial services.

Investors should see an increasing opportunity in SME private credit in 2017 says BNP Paribas Investment Partners

Stéphane Blanchoz, CIO for Alternative Debt Management at BNP Paribas Investment Partners, explores why allocations to alternative debt and other direct lending strategies could be attractive for investors in 2017 as the segment grows.

Investors should see an increasing opportunity in SME private credit in 2017, according to Stéphane Blanchoz, chief investment officer for alternative debt management at BNP Paribas Investment Partners.

Member News: China’s Ant Financial Gets an American Base With MoneyGram

Jack Ma’s Ant Financial has gotten itself an American colony. The $880 million purchase of the remittances firm MoneyGram in a deal announced on Thursday looks like a counterintuitive bet in a de-globalizing world for the Alibaba founder’s financial services arm. International payments are a tough business. But MoneyGram gives Ant a base with connections to many developing markets.