Innovations in Delivery Channels

Field Notes - Granting Access: Leveraging Social Payments to Expand Digital Financial Inclusion in Cote d’Ivoire

Here is one of three Field Notes from the Partnership for Financial Inclusion, a joint initiative of IFC and the Mastercard Foundation, to help DFS providers to tailor products and services to particular market segments as they shed new light on two particular market segments, youth and women, as well as the potential for digitizing social payments on the continent. 

Field Notes - Women and Digital Financial Services in Sub-Saharan Africa: Understanding the Challenges and Harnessing the Opportunities

Here is one of three Field Notes from the Partnership for Financial Inclusion, a joint initiative of IFC and the Mastercard Foundation, to help DFS providers to tailor products and services to particular market segments as they shed new light on two particular market segments, youth and women, as well as the potential for digitizing social payments on the continent. 

Member News: Fidor Launches APIX with IFC

Fidor birthed its APIX platform, the first cross border sandbox and marketplace for fintechs and banks at the Singapore Fintech Festival. India Prime Minister Narendra Modi officially launched the APIX platform during his keynote speech. APIX is an initiative by AFIN represented by IFC/ World Bank (International Finance Corporation), MAS (Monetary Authority of Singapore), and ABA (ASEAN Bankers Association). 

Report: Digital Technologies for Mobilizing Sustainable Finance

Financing sustainable development and ensuring a resilient financial system are key current global challenges. However, a number of barriers limit the mobilization of such finance at scale. For example, the lack of disclosure of environmental and social information creates information asymmetries and increases search costs for sustainable investments. Similarly, investors face difficulties in fully identifying, assessing and pricing risks associated with unsustainable investments as well as upside opportunities.

Fintech Banking Summit

Elektromédia Kft. will host the second Fintech Banking Summit at the Budapest Music Center on Nov. 22. 

The event, focused on Hungary’s banking and financial sector, will explore the latest fintech trends and bring together key players in the industry, along with connect potential clients, partners, mentors and investors.

Leading professionals from from Barion, KPMG, RowanHill Global, Equitech, CIB Bank, Giro and IVSZ will be present at the event. 

ABC’s of Blockchain

FinDev Gateway compiled a guide to help individuals better understand what blockchain is and how it contributes to financial inclusion and development. 

According to the article, blockchain is a digital ledger which keeps records of all transactions taking place on a peer to peer network. A four step infographic, listing: digital ledger, encrypted information, peer to peer, data sharing and decentralization explains the basic concepts of blockchain. 

Advisory Programme Will Increase SMEs Access to Finance

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and European Union (EU) launched the Advice for Small Businesses (ASB) Programme to support SMEs in Lebanon. The programme will help foster private sector growth, job creation, innovation, competitiveness, and increase SMEs’ access to finance. 

According to the article, SMEs in Lebanon comprise over 90 percent of the private sector and support the economy in a substantial way. EBRD and EU’s programme will connect SMEs with local and international consultants and offer a variety of business advice. 

Global SME Finance Forum 2018 Marketplace

The Global SME Finance Forum 2018 will explore how innovation in technology, regulation and partnerships can help overcome various informality problems, and open up a far larger market for profitable, sustainable, responsible financial services.

The Marketplace, an exclusive opportunity for B2B introductory meetings, had over 100 participants at the Global SME Finance Forum 2017 and is shaping up to be one of the most popular events!