Innovations in Delivery Channels

Members Only Study Visit to Fidor Bank

The SME Finance Forum’s study visits are an integral part of our peer learning opportunities and are offered exclusively to members. Whether members are looking to expand their SME lending, in the nascent stage of their SME lending, or just thinking about starting SME lending, the study visits offer the opportunity to learn best practices from highly respected peers.

Smart Money: How Smartphones and Blockchains Transform the Economy

Written history begins with a ledger, recording the deposits within a Sumerian temple granary. Three thousand years later, coins appeared nearly simultaneously in Anatolia, India and China, working so well that by the Song Dynasty, merchants - carrying coins in long strings around their midsections - invented paper money to avoid being crushed by their own riches.

Members Only Webinar - Data Analytics in SME Banking in India - Part I

The SME Finance Forum is hosting a two-session webinar series on Data Analytics. Increasingly, the use and analysis of data are critical for banks to improve efficiency, reduce risk, increase profitability, and retain customers. In these series, we will look at how banks and financial institutions can use big data and advanced analytics to make smarter decisions in SME banking.
Data Analytics Session #1: Using alternative data and new-gen analytics model for enabling SME lending in India

Podcast: SME Challengers - Breaking Banks Europe

SME businesses are "under-banked" in Europe. Why do incumbent banks find it so hard to bank with SMEs? What are the risks?

The under-banked status of European SMEs creates niches of opportunities in the market. What are they? What are the opportunities?

Listen in this podcast three formidable hosts share their views from an SME challenger financial services perspective as well as from an eco-system view.

Member Ecobank Cameroon partners with two other mobile payment services and utility company to launch prepaid service

Eneo, a Cameroonian utility company, launched a prepaid service, a solution that “allows clients to tailor their consumption to their budget. The clients control their consumption thanks to an extended reloading offer available 24 hours a day". Eneo partnered with member Ecobank Cameroon, Orange Money, and AfrikPay, who are already operational.

Member Ecobank Cameroon partners with two other mobile payment services and utility company to launch prepaid service

Eneo, a Cameroonian utility company, launched a prepaid service, a solution that “allows clients to tailor their consumption to their budget. The clients control their consumption thanks to an extended reloading offer available 24 hours a day". Eneo partnered with member Ecobank Cameroon, Orange Money, and AfrikPay, who are already operational.