
EFTA: A Tanzanian Finance Company Specialised in Serving SMEs and Farmers

Interview with Coy Buckley, CEO of EFTA

EFTA is the first company in Tanzania which is seeking to employ financial leasing to boost employment levels in the country and to bring business growth opportunities to the so called missing middle.


Would you agree with the assertion that the poor have been hitherto stocked with micro credit whilst the SME sector has been starved?

SMEs in developing countries - Caught in the middle

The name of the Grand Global Hotel suggests no want of ambition. But the project ran into financial problems before building work had even finished, says its owner, Emmanuel Tugume. His bank raised interest rates, and would not make allowances for delays in construction. Mr Tugume eventually got a loan from GroFin, a specialist business lender, and now his hotel is thriving. But his experience with Uganda’s banks still rankles. “They do not adjust to people like us,” he says. “They look after the big-time clients.”

SMEs, This Is How Fintech Works – All You Need To Know

You’ve probably heard of fintech by now. Maybe your company has adopted some fintech services or maybe you use a fintech company for personal use.
Or, if you’re like most – although more tech-savvy companies are adopting fintech services every day – you’ve read or heard about it somewhere but you’re not quite sure how fintech works, what it is, or if it deserves your attention.

FinTech Upstarts Challenge Usefulness of Traditional Consumer Credit Scoring, the FICO Score

A Wall Street article Silicon Valley: We Don’t Trust FICO Scores” is currently making waves concerning the usefulness of traditional credit scoring, the FICO score.  A new generation of lenders (FinTech upstarts) is challenging the usefulness of one of the bedrocks of the modern financial system: the FICO score.

Why Fintech is Here to Stay

There are 200 million small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) worldwide that have no access to formal financial services. This represents a $2 billion gap of funds for capital investments and working capital to increase their growth prospects.

Why does this gap exist and who is stepping in to service the SMEs?