
Going Digital in Collections to Improve Resilience Against Credit Losses

Household debt is at an all-time high, delinquencies have been rising, and forward-looking macroeconomic indicators are softening. As a result, lenders are reexamining their capacities for handling delinquencies. Part of that reevaluation for heads of collections involves taking into account changes in the consumer landscape. For example, consumers increasingly communicate with financial-services providers through text messaging and prefer self-service digital channels.

Policies to Help SMEs Access Alternative Data

There is a shortage of credit data on MSME borrowers — also referred to as ‘thin file’ borrowers, since MSMEs lack access to traditional credit facilities through banks and other traditional lenders. The authors in this World Bank Group blog say that this information asymmetry has paved the way for identifying new ways to assess the creditworthiness of MSME and other thin-file borrowers—including the use of alternative data in credit reporting.

The Future of Banking

The journey from unbundling to rebundling and back has been a formidable one. Emerging technologies and the pace of innovation are driving changes throughout the banking industry at an unprecedented rate. From Asia to Europe, U.S. to Africa, and Australia to the Middle East, consumers are not only increasingly adopting digital – most are demanding it. While the movement toward our ability to bank anywhere is inevitable, the path towards transformation varies from one region to the next – and very different models have evolved within each geography.

Agro-SMEs Benefit From Matching Grant Support Scheme

The Fiji Development Bank (FDB) and the Ministry of Agriculture signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on a matching grant scheme to support SMEs focused on agriculture. 

According to the article, SMEs can receive access to grant finance of up to $50,000 and loan funding of up to $100,000. Areas that are included to benefit from this scheme are: Ba, Nadroga, Navosa and Naitasiri provinces. 

This agreement is set to improve market-oriented production and open the doors for SMEs to access remote farming areas. 

Terrence Teoh, SME Banking Head at Hong Leong Bank, Said SMEs Should Expand Search for Funding

Interview with Terrence Teoh, SME banking head at Hong Leong Bank, recently named the best SME bank in Malaysia by The Asian Banker. “For SMEs to expand, it is not only funding that is important,” said Terrence Teoh, the head of group SME banking at Hong Leong Bank Bhd (HLB). “Of course funding matters, but on top of that, how you collect your money and manage cash is equally important."

Member OPIC Continues Investment in Myanmar

Member OPIC continues to make an impact in closing the SME finance Gap where it's needed most. In this letter to the editor for Myanmar Times, Scot Marciel, U.S. ambassador to Myanmar speaks on how OPIC continues to invest in Myanmar. Marciel says, "Two years ago OPIC committed financing to its first microfinance project in Myanmar, to help entrepreneurs and small business owners obtain loans to start and grow businesses. Despite Myanmar’s strong recent growth, the portion of adults who have access to financial services remains among the lowest in the region.

Mind the Gap & Fix the Mix: Gender Equality in Private Equity

With more than $3 trillion in assets under management—nearly $800 billion of which is allocated to emerging markets—private equity can be a powerful source of financing, especially for innovative businesses that cannot access bank loans or capital markets. Investors and funds with stakes in these privately owned companies not only help them expand, they also contribute to generating jobs, tax revenues, and better services.

Empowering Women to Rise Up in Financial Services Across the Globe

Tracey Davies, President of Money20/20, and founder of the Rise Up initiative, outlines the five ways the program empowers women at work as the initiative comes to Singapore.
I have always been a hopeful optimist about the trajectory of women, but as the number of women reaching the top just hasn’t made the progress I expected, I have become much less accepting of the status quo. How can it be that we still aren’t seeing faster progress for women across the world and in every industry?