Industry Events

Money20/20 Asia

Money20/20 Asia will bring together senior representatives from across the ecosystem – from the mighty markets of China and India, global financial hubs of Hong Kong and Singapore, innovation centres of Japan, South Korea and Australia and emergent fintech markets such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, the Philippines and more to connect and create the future of money.

African Takaful Forum

As one of the most developed countries in Africa, Nigeria has clear and strong economic potential. Takaful has the potential to become a strong segment of Nigeria’s life insurance sector. Takaful can be a platform for financial inclusion, however, not just for Muslims, but also for certain segments of the country’s Christian population. Takaful could also have a positive impact on insurance penetration overall. For this to happen, however, NAICOM believes more trust would have to be built in takaful, especially among Nigeria’s Muslim population. 

Finovate Middle East

Finovate events bring together the entire fintech community to showcase cutting-edge banking, financial and payments technology in a unique, short-form, demo-only format as well as insights from global financial service experts.

30+ innovative fintech companies will have just 7 minutes to demo their latest solutions live. No slides or video are allowed!

Members of the SME Finance Forum get a special 20% discount. Please get in touch with us to get your discounted code.

WSBI Innovation Workshop Part 2

A Deep Dive into Banking Disruption, Collaboration, BigTech and Open Banking

After the successful Innovation Workshop in November 2017, WSBI is diving deeper with its members into discussions on banking disruption and BigTech trends. They will further look into current disruption tendencies and how banks should react as well as how to build meaningful collaborations to enhance the customer experience and offering for consumers and SMEs. They will dig deeper into open banking strategies and platforms to form a vision on new business models. 

Helping Smallholders Make the Most of Maize Through Loans and Storage Technology: Evidence from Tanzania

Improving staple crop production is widely viewed as crucial for increasing food security and reducing poverty in sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA). However, smallholder households in SSA who cultivate maize and other grains face two major post‐harvest challenges. First, pests cause post‐harvest loss of up to 30 percent during storage, resulting in the household having less grain to sell and consume later in the year. Second, grain prices are almost always lower at harvest than later in the season.

International ​Conference ​on ​Responsible ​and ​Inclusive ​Finance 2018

The ​International ​Conference ​on ​Responsible ​and ​Inclusive ​Finance ​(ICRIF) ​will ​bring ​together ​leading ​practitioners, ​financial ​inclusion ​experts, ​government ​representatives ​and ​others ​dedicated ​to ​promoting ​the ​international ​responsible ​and ​inclusive ​finance ​agenda ​by ​providing ​learning ​opportunities ​for ​a ​range ​of ​actors ​about ​experiences ​within ​and ​outside ​of ​Rwanda. 

Merchant Acceptance Workshop: Advancing Merchant Acceptance of Electronic Payments at the Base of the Pyramid

Financial Inclusion provides the unbanked and underbanked with the opportunity to break the vicious cycle of poverty by giving them access to tools that allow them to securely pay, save, borrow, and insulate themselves from financial shocks. Mastercard looks at Financial Inclusion holistically and believes that merchant acceptance is a critical and often overlooked component of driving financial inclusion.

Fintegrate Zone 2018

Fintegrate Zone is a fintech thought leadership conclave  - a melange of conferences tracks, workshops, hackathons, meetups, CXO roundtable, startup exhibits, and a grand demo night - focusing on the future of technology in financial services within India and beyond its borders. Fintegrate Zone started last year as an attempt to bring all the stakeholders from Financial Services industry together under one roof. 

EDCON 2018

he EDCON (Community Ethereum Development Conference) is the nonprofit global conference organized by LinkTime, a company that is part of the Ethereum community in China. The purpose of the conference is to improve communication and integration between the various global Ethereum communities. EDCON is organized as a conference series, and happens once a year in different countries. It is not associated with the Ethereum Foundation which is a Swiss nonprofit.