Industry Events

6th Annual African Islamic Finance Summit

The African Islamic Banking and Finance Road Show presents the 6th Annual African Islamic Finance Summit, Dec. 4 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 

The conference aims to increase information on the benefits of Islamic banking and finance procedures to initiate global, long-term opportunities for the Islamic sector. Investing in Islamic banking and finance leads to improved job creation, socio-economic development, and poverty alleviation. 

Key topics that will be discussed during the conference include: 

8th Global Islamic Microfinance Forum

Global Islamic Microfinance Forum (GIMF) presented by AlHuda CIBE will be held in Dubai on Nov. 25 - 26.  is an annual apex gathering of Islamic microfinance, microfinance, rural finance, funder and donor agencies, multilateral organizations and other allied sectors of microfinance to address the poverty problems and their solutions through Islamic microfinance. 

The AlHuda CIBE will present the 8th annual Global Islamic Microfinance Forum in Dubai on Nov. 25 - 26. 

NASSCOM Hosting Inaugural International SME Conclave


The National Association of Software and Services Companies (Nasscom) will present its first Nasscom International SME Conclave (NISC) on Jan. 10-11 at Biswa Bangla Convention Centre in New Town, Kolkata. 

The event will have over 2,500 delegates and over 200 companies presenting their products. SMEs from countries such as: Malaysia, Singapore, Bangladesh, UAE and Sri Lanka are expected to participate in this year’s event. 

The North American Bitcoin Conference

Keynote is hosting the North American Bitcoin Conference a part of World Blockchain Forum: Investments & ICOs on Jan.16-18 in Miami. 

Key themes that will be discussed at the conference include: blockchain technology, bitcoin and ethereum, ICOs, token sale mechanics, investing, regulation, startups and disruption. Companies making an impact in the crypto industry will be available for questions along with network opportunities. 

Blockchain has an impact on financial systems around the world, this conference will explore how one can profit from this technology.  

SME Tech Summit 2018

The Malaysian Entrepreneurs Festival (TMEF) will host the SME Tech Summit on Oct. 10 in Komtar, Penang. The conference is aimed to help SMEs embrace digital platforms and experience innovative changes. 

TMEF is aimed to empower start-ups, cultivate entrepreneurship and SMEs. They are committed to connecting SMEs, transforming entrepreneurship and nurturing economic development for the country. TMEF has hosted a series of SME Transformation Initiatives nationwide and has helped more than 50,000 SMEs.

Key topics on the agenda to be discussed at the summit include: 

India FinTech Awards 2018


The India FinTech Awards (IFTA) will recognize the best in fintech on Nov. 30 in Mumbai. FinTech companies will have the opportunity to showcase their products, conduct a sales pitch and interact with investors, bankers and entrepreneurs. 

One startup will be selected as the FinTech Startup of the Year and have the chance to present at LendIt FinTech 2019 in San Francisco, Calif.

The Global Payment Summit 2018

The two-day Global Payment Summit hosted by Currency Research will be held in the capital of Malaysia on Sept. 19-20. Top executives from financial services institutions and the payment industry will be in attendance. 

Currency Research, is an international knowledge based services firm committed to providing specialized conferences, consultancy and research in the currency and payments areas. The firm has over 25 years of event organization and subject-matter expertise.

Key topics discussed during the event will include: 

Finnovation Africa: Ethiopia 2018

Finnovation Africa: Ethiopia 2018 is a very different kind of event, a complete re-boot, for a very different kind of industry. Deconstructed and shorn of all the usual, tired formats of the traditional convention – and built from the ground up as a genuinely new event that is as ground-breaking in its focus as it is in its format - and aspiring to be as innovative and transformative as the dynamic FinTech market it serves.

Growing Business Together Investor Conference

The Growing Business Together Program in collaboration with MBC Africa, Truvalu and the Netherlands Ambassador to Ghana will launch an investor conference for SMEs on October 19 at the University of Professional Studies in Ghana. 

With a theme of, “Are You Ready for Money?” the main objective of the conference is to help SMEs achieve investments for their businesses. 

The conference will feature:

MFC-EMN Annual Conference 2018

This year the conference titled People and the Digital Revolution: Advancing Our Social Mission through Technology will focus on the implications of the digital revolution on financial and social inclusion. We would like to explore how microfinance institutions can be proactive in embracing and making the most of technology to provide valuable opportunities for entrepreneurs, start-ups and social enterprises.