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How Supply Chain Finance works to support underfunded small businesses

The COVID-19 pandemic crisis has had a profound impact on the US economy in a short space of time, with unemployment rising at a record rate and projections of a 5.2% contraction in GDP. Global lockdowns have introduced weaknesses in vital supply chains and a lack of liquidity has become a critical issue for businesses, as a result. Capital-constrained SMEs in particular are facing an uncertain period, with cash flow and access to finance proving to be major challenges. 

Rapid Assessment of Business Needs by Niger Business Angels Network

This evaluation report highlights an exhaustive situation of what Nigerien businesses are going through in general and more particularly those grouped within "emerging women" in particular since the COVID-19 was declared in late March in Niger. It is a real question of survival that is played out for these companies confronted as highlighted by the report to a drop in production and sales linked to a problem of access to raw materials, packaging, and the layoff of technical workers.

Pregunta a los expertos: negocios en tiempos de crisis. El caso del Banco Nacional de Costa Rica.

El pasado 30 de abril, la Financial Alliance for Women, una red de organizaciones financieras dedicada a apoyarlas a desarrollar estrategias para aprovechar el poder de la economía femenina, llevó a cabo un seminario web, como parte de su serie semanal “Pregunta a un Experto: Negocios en Tiempo de Crisis”  en el que participó, Banco Nacional de Costa Rica, primer miembro de la Alianza de la región l