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In namibia, Bank Windhoek is calling on small business owners to make use of its SME finance branch

Bank Windhoek is calling on small business owners to make use of its SME finance branch, which assists Namibians to start their own businesses. "If you have a business idea, be it construction, transport, manufacturing, franchising, retailing, or if you simply wish to expand your existing business, but lack the capital to do so Bank Windhoek can assist you to realise your business dream.

Namibia: SMEs Create Four Times More Jobs Than Corporates

These statistics were provided by Sakaria Nghikembua, the managing director of Mutual & Federal Namibia, during a meeting of the Economic Association of Namibia held in Windhoek on Tuesday.
Other statistics provided by Nghikembua showed that in Namibia, over 100 000 people are employed by SMEs, whilst SMEs create over 16 000 new jobs annually, compared to roughly 4000 created by big business annually.