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Agricultural Finance Yearbook 2011 - Uganda

The Agricultural Finance Yearbook, of which this is the fifth edition, reviews developments pertaining to the modernization of the agricultural sector in Uganda, particularly those which have relevance for investment in, and the financing of, agriculture and agricultural marketing. The modernization of agriculture is a key development priority for Uganda but this will not be possible without improving the provision of a wide range of financial services to farmers, agro processors and traders.

Agricultural Finance Yearbook 2010 - Marrying Finance and Farming in Uganda

The Agricultural Finance Yearbook for 2010 seeks to reflect the main issues, actions, successes and failures experienced in Uganda during the year, in the overall area of financial sector support to agriculture. It is increasingly recognized, in Uganda, in Africa as a whole, and in the international community, that adequate access to financial services is vital for those who build productivity and earn their livelihoods in agricultural commodity value chains.

Gender and Economic Growth in Uganda: Unleashing the Power of Women

Men and women both play significant, though different, economic roles in Uganda (both contribute around 50% of GDP and women are 39% of business owners). Gender inequality in access to and control of productive assets and resources acts as a brake to women’s economic participation and limits economic growth. Labor and time constraints differentially affect women’s and men’s capacity to engage in business activity, with significant consequences for agricultural productivity in the context of strategic exports.